4 questions to define the Narrative of Change

The cliché that ‘change is the new constant’ suggests that we live in a permanent situation of chaos, uncertainty and revolution. That can’t be true as, if it were, no one would be able to function.

The truth is that change is usually evolution, not revolution. Sometimes this is genuine transformation. Other times it’s simply fast development. However, what’s more true than ever is that we’re having to evolve faster and with a strong sense of direction and urgency.

I call that the Narrative of Change – a story that the leadership all agree with, that everyone understands and is grounded in truth, not just pie in the sky visioning. It needs to be specific, real but also exciting. Here is my video in a series on transformational leadership - and it addresses the Narrative of Change. It takes less than 5 minutes to watch.

If you like it, please share. As ever, if it resonates, please get in touch to discuss how this may be of value in your world.

Tips on how to define and articulate the Narrative of Change


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